100 years of Barro Colorado Island - Art and Science Residency

Women in Global South Alliance

Rights + Resources

Faith and Diversity

for PFLAG Panamá sponsored by Human Rights Campaign

Second camera and editing: María Fernanda González

In the Darién Gap, A Daughter of Migrants Gives Back

HIAS Refugees

In the Darién Gap, A Daughter of Migrants Gives Back

HIAS Refugees

"We are not a statistic" short documentary about adolescent pregnancy in Panama, part of the investigation by Eugenia Rodriguez for CIEPS Panama

La asemblea de líderes trans, no binaries, y genero disidentes: Libres e Iguales 2022

Trans Assembly highlighted during the 2022 Pride March in Panama City, Panama as part of the United Nations campaign, Libres & Iguales

second camera: Walter Hurtado

editing: María Fernanda González

Pineapple Country

Isadora Rojas denuncia uso de plaguicidas por Colorada Fresh Pineapple

Puerto Rico Centro de Periodismo Investigativo

Pedro González S.A

"A powerful Panamanian family took over an island in the Pacific Ocean for a megaproject with five-star hotels, an airport and luxury residences. To do so, they devastated the spaces and the life of a community of more than 300 inhabitants in a forgotten paradise of the Las Perlas archipelago. A dubious title deed, repression, judicial persecution and a people broken forever.” Part of the project Tierra de Resistantes and published in Mongabay and Concolon Magazine. Investigation and story by Sol Lauría

Trans Solidarity Network

Video highlighting the work of the Trans Solidarity Network in Panama during the gender binary quarantine. Featured during the UN global event for International Human Right’s Day, December 10, 2020.

Camera/sound assistant and editing: Maria Fernanda González

La Travesía

A video about the artists of Taller Portobelo, commissioned by the Spanish Cultural Center in Panama to accompany the exhibition, La Travesía. May 2019

100 years of Barro Colorado Island - Art and Science Residency
 Women in Global South Alliance    Rights + Resources
 Faith and Diversity  for PFLAG Panamá sponsored by Human Rights Campaign  Second camera and editing:  María Fernanda González
 In the Darién Gap, A Daughter of Migrants Gives Back    HIAS Refugees
 In the Darién Gap, A Daughter of Migrants Gives Back    HIAS Refugees
 "We are not a statistic" short documentary about adolescent pregnancy in Panama, part of the investigation by Eugenia Rodriguez for  CIEPS Panama
La asemblea de líderes trans, no binaries, y genero disidentes: Libres e Iguales 2022
Pineapple Country
Pedro González S.A
Trans Solidarity Network
La Travesía
100 years of Barro Colorado Island - Art and Science Residency

Women in Global South Alliance

Rights + Resources

Faith and Diversity

for PFLAG Panamá sponsored by Human Rights Campaign

Second camera and editing: María Fernanda González

In the Darién Gap, A Daughter of Migrants Gives Back

HIAS Refugees

In the Darién Gap, A Daughter of Migrants Gives Back

HIAS Refugees

"We are not a statistic" short documentary about adolescent pregnancy in Panama, part of the investigation by Eugenia Rodriguez for CIEPS Panama

La asemblea de líderes trans, no binaries, y genero disidentes: Libres e Iguales 2022

Trans Assembly highlighted during the 2022 Pride March in Panama City, Panama as part of the United Nations campaign, Libres & Iguales

second camera: Walter Hurtado

editing: María Fernanda González

Pineapple Country

Isadora Rojas denuncia uso de plaguicidas por Colorada Fresh Pineapple

Puerto Rico Centro de Periodismo Investigativo

Pedro González S.A

"A powerful Panamanian family took over an island in the Pacific Ocean for a megaproject with five-star hotels, an airport and luxury residences. To do so, they devastated the spaces and the life of a community of more than 300 inhabitants in a forgotten paradise of the Las Perlas archipelago. A dubious title deed, repression, judicial persecution and a people broken forever.” Part of the project Tierra de Resistantes and published in Mongabay and Concolon Magazine. Investigation and story by Sol Lauría

Trans Solidarity Network

Video highlighting the work of the Trans Solidarity Network in Panama during the gender binary quarantine. Featured during the UN global event for International Human Right’s Day, December 10, 2020.

Camera/sound assistant and editing: Maria Fernanda González

La Travesía

A video about the artists of Taller Portobelo, commissioned by the Spanish Cultural Center in Panama to accompany the exhibition, La Travesía. May 2019

show thumbnails